Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tummy aches

Ice lemon tea made me have tummy aches. From school i rushed home just to pooo. Yes, i can do my business in school. But aiya, seriously got no feel leh, the environment not suitable and im not used to it. I only had a sip of the Ice Lemon tea from Joanna. Woah, i tell you. I'll die of it. I kept repeating in school that i want to da pian. Lols, so unglam i know, but the pain is simply unbearable. Poor me. I wont drink ice lemon tea, again.

I misss my 外婆 suddenly. I regret about something alot. Seriously, i could go and see her for the last time. I din. I dont know what i was thinking at that time. Her leaving me was a huge blow. I didn't dare to see her, for the last time. I regret, really. Thinking about the past, how she took care of me. I didn't cherish. Everything's too late.Walking down the streets, looking at those elderly with their grandchildren, i somehow feel very jealous. I feel that shes there, right there, when the fact that she left us. She live in my heart, not forgotten. A year has past.


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