Saturday, May 9, 2009


Last epi tonight. Please remember to catch it. 8.30to11pm. POWER PACK. ToGetHerx3.


Alright, i'm back. Kay, so after this post i'm off to mugging again. Although i dont really have the mugging mood, i shall force myself. Poor thing, whos that arse that invented exams. Actually it isn't that bad, can go home early. I'm contradicting myself again, bull shiat. Can anyone lent me geog notes??? Theres so many blanks missing, how to study?

Nooooooooob. I need to studyyy. Barhhh, but theres just too many things distracting me eh. Phone, com and mahjong. Ahhh, im going mad soon. Cant let those things distract me. I cant wait for 30th may. Shall start counting down. I am so going to have so much fun. Hopefully the trip would be successful, and that darn swine flu would go away. I wished, i hoped and i want it to go away. I'm going crazy, 5years ago was SarS, now is Swine flu. 5 years later what would it be? Can't this world be peaceful? Sucha sad case.

After exams, im so going to start my own slimming down program. You see, exams can go home early, and my house is ful of tidbits. Just nice, im those kind that cannot study without songs and food. I wont sit there for 4hours straight to study, in fact, every 10mins i would walk around. That's why i say i get distracted very easily.

okay okay, my show is here. GoGoGo. DAVID ARCHULETA!!! x3

time check; 8:31

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